Live Broadcast



Welcome to the live broadcast of our divine services

The purpose of Streaming Live is twofold: 1) To make available the divine services of the Church to those who absolutely cannot make the services in person, i.e., the faithful who may be homebound, in the hospital, etc. 2) For those who may want to know more about the liturgical life of the Church or who may be searching for a new Church home. Thus, our live streaming ministry is not a substitute for being present at the divine services; but rather a supplement for those who absolutely cannot be physically present themselves.

Donations toward the digital ministries of the parish are warmly welcomed. If you would like to help support the LiveStream ministry of Saint Spyridon, please click on the button above or contact the church office. Again, thank you and God bless.

The Live Stream divine services of Saint Spyridon GOC of San Diego, CA may not be recorded, retransmitted or reproduced without the express written consent of the Parish Council of Saint Spyridon GOC of San Diego, CA. Thank you for your consideration and support.